


To make a survey and add it to your website, it is not necessary to hire a programmer. This can be done independently using online tools or individual plugins. In today’s article, we’ll look at ten of these tools. Credits: Surveys are a way to get to know your customers better: to study their habits and expectations, gather opinions about products or services, and understand in which direction to develop your business. You can also…

When someone is looking for an opportunity to earn extra income, they are often advised to find a temporary part-time job. But do you have the strength and time for a part-time job? In such a case, you should look for ways to earn passive income – which will help you make money with a small investment and save a lot of your time. Let us discuss some best ways to earn passive income right…

First Business Meeting: How many articles and books have been written? How many courses and training have been invented on the topic of negotiating? The variety of names makes you dizzy: hard and soft, complicated and not-so-so, the “empty cabinet method” and the “power shoulder” technique, manipulation and provocation, 4 phases, 10 procedures, 36 techniques … and so on! But often, all these courses and training lack practice – intuitive and straightforward. If I go…